

By: olmer acandya

This blog intends to share the knowledge and wisdom accumulated by the author during his 20 years stay in the philippines. Dedicated to anyone outside the boundaries of this country, the author's advice is a must read before venturing in this "haven of asia" where east meets west, and different kinds of cultures and nationalities from around the world converged together at one place. it is the melting pot of all kinds of riches attracting all kinds of people with greedy interests. Even with these negative feedbacks, still, IT'S MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES. This is also the very reason why the Philippines is the most exciting place especially for adventurous people. 


By: olmer acandya

olmer acandya (not his real name and is an anagram) is a pure blooded Filipino (half Ilocano-Igorot) born at Banaue, Ifugao (the location of the 8th wonder of the world). During his younger years, his family had a tough life due his parents married at such young age and worse, they are still studying at college. Nevertheless, the author's perception of these experiences are just like a natural way to live because his father was able to sustain their basic needs like normal. Due to his keen observations of his surroundings, at the age of four, he was able to learn how to survive even without parent's guidance to do household basic chores and go to school without their aids. 

During his elementary and high school years, olmer acandya is a consistent honor student, active at sports like soccer and sepak takraw which he took leads and championed even at provincial level. due to lack of money, his parents wasn't able to support his interest in the field of sports so he concentrated at excelling in school due to the reasons like fear of failure and his parent's high expectations. 

At present, he is currently studying at Saint Louis University located in Baguio City as an architecture student. After knowing the author's background, it can be said that anything done by him is from the point of view of a college student.

By: Ichiyou Nakata

An Architecture student studying here in the Philippines "whom they know my name well and I don't remember the name of theirs" (This memory problems are due to  my childhood amnesia). I was born in Japan and currently live here in the Philippines. I am still young when my family migrated here in the Philippines so I don't know much of Nihongo language. I acquired autism when I was still a high school student, haven't enjoy much of my elementary days and can't remember them well. I was a 'slow learner' then and physically weak, very inactive when it comes to social life and very emotional... ...

Take a visit my blog @ My Very Own Insights

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